wie AppIcon in Amidock unterdrücken ?

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Re: wie AppIcon in Amidock unterdrücken ?

Beitrag von TearsOfMe »

Ah ja, jetzt weiß ich was du meinst.
Ja stimmt. Das ist mir beim Programmieren von AmyStromWifiSwitch auch aufgefallen.
Still speaks the silence, it speaks in riddles to my mind
And time keeps passing by as I walk tearful through this life.
Tarja i miss you so much. Farewell my baby.
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Re: wie AppIcon in Amidock unterdrücken ?

Beitrag von McFly »

TearsOfMe hat geschrieben: 13. April 2023 09:53 Trag mal in den Icon Tooltypes folgendes ein:
NoDocky = True
Das sagt Hollywood keinen Docky zu erstellen.
Klappt hier auf jeden Fall.
super, das war es, vielen Dank. :thumbsup:
da muß man erstmal drauf kommen, in der Readme zu RNOTunes steht da nix zu.
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Re: wie AppIcon in Amidock unterdrücken ?

Beitrag von jPV »

(sorry about the language, but) I happened to find this thread now, and I'm sorry that I haven't paid attention to this OS4 feature enough. I just registered the application as an OS4 application in my program, because I thought it'd add some value in OS4 just by doing it, but apparently it isn't the case.

Is there any advantage if you register an application and don't add the icon in AmiDock, or should I just remove the whole thing from my program? Or would you want a setting to define this and then have some functionality by a context menu on the AmiDock icon?
Beiträge: 940
Registriert: 28. September 2009 09:58
Wohnort: Oberhausen/NRW
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Re: wie AppIcon in Amidock unterdrücken ?

Beitrag von McFly »

everything is fine, don't worry :-)
Of course it would be nice if you could choose in the settings in RNO-Tunes whether an app icon appears in amidock, but it's not a must.
You can also deactivate this using the tool types.
Thank you for your great tools, I use them very often and with pleasure :thumbsup:
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